Blog Post

Tormentil Mining Bee

Wed 8th May 2024

As species ambassadors for the Species Recovery Trust it's always a pleasure to share the latest updates.
The early months of 2024 has seen the creation of management reports, site visits and meetings with Forestry England, the MOD, Natural England and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.
Visits to ensure that the management of the sites where the bee is found is continuing and improving, particularly on Allerthorpe Common the species stronghold site.
Cutting of shrubs and the opening up of areas of sand, are important both to increase the bees foodplant Tormentil and also to increase and maintain sandy nesting sites on this lowland heath site.
The meetings confirmed that all of the partners are committed to continuing and extending these actions as there has been much progress.
As a direct result of one of the meetings YWT is already creating sandy areas on another of their heathland sites at Strensall Common. Again cutting back bracken litter and growth on the site to encourage Tormentil growth.
Although unspectacular the photos of the ground works show the creation of this important habitat.
If this work is successful the site will be monitored throughout the year to understand the quality of the habitat, after which we may consider reintroducing the species to this site in 2025 (dependent on bee numbers and habitat quality). 
All of this work is made possible through the support of ambassadors such as Biodiversity UK and their commitment to the Tormentil Mining Bee.
Fieldwork on the bee will commence in late June and a more detailed report on the results of this fieldwork will be posted later in the year.